Author: admin

There are many questions in the world that you can get clear answers of. These answers will never change because of the environment or the class struggle. There will never be a time when the earth will stop orbiting the sun because of inflation. The...

Once something becomes a part of people’s every day vocabulary, it is impossible to get it out, even if it is used in an incorrect way. There are various phrases and idioms that people use incorrectly on a daily basis and yet, they are understood...

The world seems like it is in disarray most of the time. Things aren’t in order for us to think any differently. There are many nations who are at war with each other, while others are going through a revolution. Tyrant dictators have forced people...

A lot of people don’t know that there is a difference between a neuro-physician and a neurosurgeon. But in truth, there is a huge difference between the two, just like there is between the terms physician and surgeon. A physician is a doctor who can...

It is easier to get lost asking questions that have no answers. Things like why two plus two will always equal four can only waste your time and not bring you the satisfaction you were looking for. There are so many questions in the universe...

It is remarkable how many similarities there are in different cultures of the world. It reminds us of our shared origins. In a way we are all connected to each other even if we look nothing alike. However, that isn’t the only reason why we...

There are more than seven billion people in the world and the number is only expected to rise in the future. So, it is no wonder that all of us are divided in different countries. It would be impossible for such a huge number of...

We think we have two options in life: to observe the similarities between things or to notice their differences. The ones who only notice the same features fail to see the unique features of objects. They get so deep in finding out connections that they...

All the words have multiple meanings but we have a tendency to associate them with their most common meanings. Humans use such techniques to make things easier to remember. We learn by association so that we don’t forget things and are reminded of them whenever...

A few things define humanity like nothing else. If there is no empathy in the world, then one should accept that humanity has died. People can continue to walk this earth but if they don’t feel pain when a huge part of the world is...

A lot of people don't know that New York is a state and not the capital city of the US. It is quite common to have this misconception. For starters, New York is always in news more than the actual capital of America, Washington DC....

The world is progressing at an alarmingly quick speed that sometimes it is difficult for some of us to keep up. A new electronic device arrives in the market with WIFI every week. From our lights and fans to water temperature and cable network, everything...

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