Language translation

More than seven billion people are living on planet earth. Although we don't have a universal language that every human on earth can speak, there is one vernacular that most of us can understand, and that is English....

The world is divided into different continents. Although the continents don’t share a lot of features, they are still different from each other in one way or another. Anyone that wishes to study a continent can do so by learning about its population, their cultures,...

Everyone has read at least one book that was translated from another language. But hardly any of these books have less than 200 pages. As a result, they require a long time to get through the translation process. It isn’t just about changing the text...

Since we did not live in the time when the world was devoid of borders, we can’t say for certain how it used to be. But what we do know is that there are a lot of borders in our world today, which sometimes play...

Things were pretty complicated for humans when they were making fire from the rocks and struggling to catch their prey with sticks. The biggest reason for inventing new techniques was to make life simpler. In every walk of life, we wish to avoid difficulty and...

None of us think of it, but making a home away from home is not easy. However, many people have had to do that throughout history. Some had to run away from their homeland because of political instability, while others ran to escape the war....

If you are not holding your phone at the moment, that means you are using your computer or laptop, because the truth is, all of us have a hard time staying away from technology. In one way or the other, we are always connected to...

Work should not be defined by the amount of money it brings. At the end of the day, anyone who puts in the effort to make money is doing a respectable job. They are using their strength to earn money and pay their bills instead...

A fun activity can be ruined by poor planning. If you have ever been on a road trip where the car ran out of gas half an hour later, you know exactly what poor planning means. Many people think that planning is only important in...

There are many things that we don’t truly appreciate because they are easily available to us. The internet has made it a lot easier for us to access information of all kinds. Today, students can do their homework with the help of the internet. But...

Identity is not something people are always willing to compromise on. There are a lot of people who change their name in their later lives because they don’t identify with the one that was given to them. It is not easy to develop a full...

Everyone in the world speaks a language. Some even speak more than one vernacular. Learning how to speak a language has nothing to do with school, it is a process that begins at home. However, you can tell whether or not a person is educated...

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