divorce certificate translation servicesdivorce certificate translation services

Divorce Certificate Translation


At DutchTrans, we provide translations for every need, including divorce certificate translation services with absolute authenticity. With our expert linguists and legal experts from numerous locations, we ensure that each and every document that we translate depicts the reflection of the original document. Get your certified divorce translation in 24 hours at the best price in London!

divorce translationdivorce translation


You will need divorce certificate translation services when you plan to marry a person abroad but there are certainly other instances when you will be requiring a certified translation of divorce certificate. If your partner belongs to a different country and moves back to their country after the divorce, you’ll need a divorce translation for the following purposes:

  • A business or any joint asset that you want to split after the divorce
  • Your child’s custody.
  • Any lawsuit that you want to file against your partner.

You also need a divorce translation according to the laws valid in a given country. In the UK for example, you’ll need a certified translation of divorce certificate for immigration purposes, educational purposes or in some cases, legal purposes also. Similarly, in most countries, you need your divorce certificate translation for the above-mentioned purposes. At Dutch Trans, our experts are well aware of the conditions and the rules of each country and their laws etc. so we translate in accordance with them.

A divorce certificate may not bring good memories, but it is important in many ways. The document itself is a proof of your social status, whether you want to remarry or file for the custody of your child or even the distribution of your joint assets, you’ll always require it. And if you intend to marry someone from a different country than yours, especially where the language also varies, you’ll be requiring a certified translation of divorce certificate.


authenticity and accuracyauthenticity and accuracy

We owe our credibility to our competent and certified translators. Their expertise in the field speaks for itself, and all our translations are TEP (translation + proofreading + editing, each done by a different translator), so there is no room for errors. Our certified translations are done in strict accordance with the UK laws and are guaranteed to be accepted by the UK Immigration Office.


Our divorce certificate translation services fall under the category of our quickest turnarounds. Our expert translators understand the emergency of your situation and are accustomed to working under pressure. So if any of our clients need divorce translation, and they need it fast, the translation will be delivered within 24 hours or less, with no extra charges..


Despite the fact that other translation agencies charge double, our pricing strategy will never change. We are one of the most affordable translation providers in the UK and we intend to remain that way. With us you can have your certified translation at only £20 per page if the page has less than 200 words. If there are more words on the page, we will charge you £0,12 per word.


Our live chat option allows our valuable customers to connect with us whenever they need to. Our project managers are online around the clock to answer your questions or to give you a free quote. We are also reachable by phone or e-mail 24/7. We work during the weekends as well, and our translation office in London is easy to reach if you want to talk to us in person or want to pick up your translation.



Like every project that comes under the supervision of Dutch Trans, a divorce certificate translation is also dealt with plenty of attention. When the customer calls for a certified translation of divorce certificate, our project manager gathers complete details such as the reason, the place where the translation is going to be used, the location where the divorce occurred, the country to which the divorced person belongs to and any other vital information that seems significant or has any potential value in the eye of the client.

After that, our project managers contact the professional translators who have an experience in the field. The project manager also collects the information from the legal experts regarding the validity and regulations attached to the project. Then the project manager provides the details about pricing and timeframe in which the divorce certificate will be translated. In an event of urgency and rush, we provide quick delivery, most of the times we deliver the translated document within 24 hours. We also provide these documents with certification if required and after the completion of the project; we offer complete support, in case there is a need for revision or editing. Dutch Trans team firmly believes that customer satisfaction is the very essence of our system.


It is not a shared ideology, but many immigration processes require that you share complete details of your divorce and the credentials of your spouse when you are applying for immigration.

We have seen that many times clients who are getting all of their documents translated for immigration wonder if it is worth it to get their divorce certificates translated. The document translation will cost extra and will remind you of painful memories. Maybe the separation happened a while ago, and you are not sure that you have all the documents. You are happy in your new life and with your family, and you do not care about your past.

Maybe you are immigrating with your new spouse who you never told about your divorce in the first place. That one is more common than you would think. We understand your situation and thoroughly sympathize with your predicament. We also know that many divorced individuals get advice from friends who have migrated to their target country to skip the divorce part as the friends immigrated while keeping some information and they have been living happily for two decades now!

We strongly recommend that you do not take that course as it leads to unnecessary problems. If you and your spouse are happy then maybe they wouldn’t mind knowing about your previous marriages. Looking up old records and dusting them off takes less than two minutes. You should strongly consider the simple fact that immigration rules have evolved drastically over the years and individuals are reviewed much more thoroughly now than two decades ago.

We advise all our clients to consider sharing all of their personal information as honestly as possible with the immigration. That is important for your case, while concealing information may get your case denied.


A divorce translation sure sounds disturbing. Reliving those hurtful memories again is definitely not a nice trip down the lane. But at the same time your divorce certificate was issued for a reason, it means the end of one relationship but it also emphasize that you have the right to move on. It’s the idea that you can find someone else too. And there’s a possibility that that someone special is living in a different country. It happens all the time and particularly when you are immigrating to the UK for good.

This is the crucial place where your divorce translation will play its role. Without submission of a divorce certificate translation at the immigration, you are not entitled to a new relationship because a written proof asserting that you ended up one is important to the officials of the country where you are moving. A divorce certificate translation isn’t that hard to provide if you have the right service providers. At DutchTrans, you can rely on us for all your translation needs. We’ll ensure that nothing could deprive you of the basic joys of finding love once again in life and enjoying the very best of it. So get ready to fly and we’ll take care of the translation for your divorce certificate or for any other personal document you may have without charging you a fortune.


DutchTrans has more than 3.000 translators from all across the globe and we provide translations for over 80 languages. It is our top concern to stay in touch with our clients all the time. So in case you have any questions in mind, or any project that you would want to share, you can visit our website, talk to us via live chat, email us, call us or even visit our office in London.