legal translation services in UK and Europelegal translation services in UK and Europe

Legal Translation Services

Legal translation services deal with highly specialized translations for documents falling under the category of law and judiciary. Legal translations are linguistically bound to judicial system conforming to the field in a more specific manner. Translations for legal documents are carried out by law translators who are experts in their field. Owing to its specialized nature, legal translation is usually carried out with great care and thoroughly meticulous approach.


legal documentslegal documents

In order to give you proper understanding, following are a few examples of documents which usually fall under the legal category. Note that these just a few examples, the legal category includes much more than that.

  • Certificates – marriage certificates, birth certificates, death certificates
  • Wills, trusts, and power of attorney documents
  • Contracts and agreements – sales contracts, service agreements, trademarks and copyrights, partnership deeds, distribution agreements
  • Immigration documents, passports
  • Legal letters, insurance policies and police agreements
  • Notices – Summons, court documents, adoption papers
  • Legal proceedings, court documents affidavits, judgments
  • Evidentiary recordings of phone calls


whenare legal documents needed to be translatedwhenare legal documents needed to be translated

Any type of legal matter calls for essential and concerning documents. So if it’s in any other language than the one used in the country you are in, then legal translation services are needed. In case of a second marriage or immigration to another country, you are required to submit a translated copy of the divorce deed. Similarly in case of your child’s birth in another country then again the translated birth certificate of the child would be required. In fact, his birth certificate would be required on each step of your life translated to the respective language of the country where it is demanded.
The more suitable way of avoiding any hassle is to get the papers translated well before any need arises into the language of the local judicial system. This will save you a lot of trouble in advance.


who can translate legal documentswho can translate legal documents

Being a specialized field where there is no room for errors, legal translation services are rendered by highly specialized personnel. A translation of a legal document cannot be handed over to just anyone knowing two languages. Translation companies have measures in place to test their translators over time, including legal translators.
DutchTrans takes this stage of working with translators seriously; we make sure that the translator has the necessary experience and knowledge to perform legal translations. We make sure that the translators pass through a rigorous initial exam but also examinations of their work over the last 6 months are taken into account when assigning a job, which makes the translators keep educating themselves in their field by continuously expanding their knowledge base.



Professional agencies make sure to get translators who are well versed both in the source language as well as the target language while also being thoroughly familiar with the legal processes of both countries. Hiring a translation agency for legal translation services is big of a deal. What features should you consider while choosing an agency? Following is a brief guide for the same. A translation agency providing legal translations should have:

  • In-house translators specialized in the legal field
  • Extensive experience in the said field
  • Corresponding qualification and additional certificates
  • Well acquainted with the jargon and terminologies used in both languages
  • Have translators for the languages you are interested in



Certified translation is sometimes needed for various documents. Once translated, the service provider certifies the document so as to give it a proper legal status. Depending on the agency, some provide the certification while others do not. Professional agencies specialized in certified translation like DutchTrans accurately translate the document with no hitches at all. They make sure to get experienced translators on board and avoid any kind of discrepancies in translation. To further insure quality we also assign other translators for proofreading and editing at later stages, followed by the certification which insures the translation is a true reflection of the source document.


Whether it’s the patent that you want to be translated or an affidavit, choosing a reliable agency will help take you a long way. Every other agency can offer translation for legal documents on a basic level, it’s the advanced and most expert agencies that can be of utmost significance to you. If they have vast knowledge in dealing with legal terminologies and have translators with judicial educational background, they should be the most worthy nominee for you.
Availability is also important, that is why we work 24/7 and always have translators ready to take on any task, including legal translations from and into any language.


Bigger and credible agencies never stop at a standstill. They keep on expanding themselves in terms of knowledge and adopt any new technicalities and changes added to the legal domain and to the translation industry. They should also continuously work on making their services better, faster and more reliable for their clients. We do all that; with us you don’t have to worry about your translation which will be ready on time, no matter if it is during the weekend.
In order to get a better idea about a specific agency, go through its client’s reviews section. That would tell you a whole lot about their services and level of professionalism.


While it might bring to your mind the type of documents that may be required by the court of law or that pertaining to justice criminal system, there are other kinds of documents as well that may not truly be legal in nature but are asked for as evidence for meeting certain criteria. Such documents are not considered literally legal but are treated as such.
So whenever you are asked for a translation of a legal document always make sure what kind of translation is required: normal or certified translation. This will make things easier for you and us as you’ll get what you need right from the start, and we’ll be able to assign the best suited translator.


Legal translation services play a big role in bridging the gap between countries and the corresponding cultures. Especially worth mentioning are the ones that are true to their profession by providing services of the highest quality and caliber. Errors can’t be afforded in this field since they can cause huge damages. Slight mistakes lead to costly troubles and hence the devastating consequences. It’s “legal” field which means it is directly or indirectly linked to law and order so not even a single mistake is tolerated.
Legal translation is not an easy job to carry out; it is especially challenging and complex while dealing with terminologies and different languages. So whenever choosing the translation agency always be vigilant. Try and choose the agency which would best suit your needs, look through all the features thoroughly and then choose wisely.


Within the law and order system, translation of legal documents plays an essential part. It could be needed for all types of documents needed by the criminal, official, and civil law systems. In short, whenever a foreign document is required for legal interests in court, it needs to be translated into the regional language of that nation.
You might get incorrect output from a general translation service; thus it is a must to work only with a professional language service provider whose specialty is legal translation services and select only native certified translators with a comprehensive knowledge of the law and with long years of professional translation experience. Continuing to the difficulty of the job is the truth that each country’s constitution is based on local factors and culture. Give your legal documents in the hands of our specialists, our legal translators are masters not only of the language but its particular characteristics.
DutchTrans provides translation of legal documents from and into any language. We have been able to build trust with our prompt and accurate translations at low rates. We have become a fast-rising player in the translation industry. We hire the most qualified translators to bring clients a thorough translation with a touch of expertise.