There are things in the world that can easily derail a relationship between two countries. Everything on our planet that has to do with emotions is pretty fragile. We all know that heroes of one nation can very well be the enemies in the books of another country. For the Americans, George Washington was a freedom fighter, but for the British, he was a rebel. Although not always, there are two sides to a story most of the time, and it is foolish to think that your opinion on something is the only valid one. Our world is complex, which is why we should take our time to try and understand things.
It is not easy to understand the opinion of another person. It is almost impossible to look at things from their perspective. But it is still worth a shot if we want to live in harmony on earth and not start another world war. There are all kinds of rivalries on earth, but some are more harmful than the others. If rivalry only results in banter and shouting during a sports match, it is not a big deal. But when it starts threatening the lives of innocent civilians, that’s when things get ugly.