Who Speak Kinyarwanda
People from Zimbabwe, Zambia, and Tanzania speak Kinyarwanda. It is the second most spoken language in Africa.
It is said in the United States and Europe by approximately 3 million people. The significant difference between the African languages is in their word order. The Kinyarwanda alphabet contains nine syllables.
Each consists of three consonants. The vowel is the first. The two remaining consonant combinations are the second and third.
French Language
The Kinyarwanda language has similarities to the French language. Both languages are Bantu Low-Resource languages and are closely related to French. Both High-Resource languages share a common ancestor with Niger-Congo. About 6.5 million people speak the Rwandan language, while 25,000 can converse in the Congo version. Half a million people also say the Burundian version.
In addition to being a native language, Kinyarwanda is also a common working language. It can be taught on campus and is appropriate for international business, government, health, and non-governmental organizations. It includes an introduction to the language and a discussion on the importance of learning it. The course also addresses essential topics like international law and human rights. Many online resources are available for teaching the Kinyarwanda language.